
Showing posts from August, 2016

Taking Off The Rough Edges

It was exactly two weeks ago today that I left on a missions trip to Masaya, Nicaragua. It's been exactly one week since getting home from Masaya, Nicaragua & it's taken me this whole week to be able to start putting words to the experience! It was about a year ago around this time that I told my husband that I thought I was ready for something different this summer and that our church was putting together a missions trip to Nicaragua. We had done the same thing every summer for the past 15 years and this mama needed a change. He told me he didn't feel like Nicaragua was calling him at the time and he thought maybe he would take our boys to see grandma and grandpa in California if I wanted to go to Nicaragua. Sounded good at the time! Fast forward a year and that's just what we did. A day and a half before I left for my trip I took my boys to the air port, dropped them off for a week of fun in the sun and Disney World, and I cried most of the way home. That's