
Showing posts from January, 2015


This week has been I one that I can't help but write about. There aren't many times in life that we get to have conversations with people that change something in us. It is more than changing our minds, perspectives, or views. I feel like these conversations touched a part of my soul that I had either forgotten about or just plain didn't know existed. The first one was with a sweet woman who found it in her heart to trust me enough to share parts of her life that would have stopped the ordinary person from ever getting out of bed ever again! I don't feel like I can share the specifics of her story because I don't have her permission to do so, but I can tell you this.....I have been to some dark places in my own life that I thought I would never recover from: That dark and that painful! The events of this woman's story don't scratch the surface of mine. The kind of things that keep her up at night with tormenting night mares; that keep her in constant fea

Undercover Boss and The Lifting of Burdens

The last few Friday's I've been watching a show called Undercover Boss. I have seen the show before but not for awhile and I was struck by something 2 weeks in a row.... The first week there was an employee of the "undercover boss" that had a daughter that was born something like 15 weeks early and 2 years later the medical bills were closing in on 2 million dollars. Because the little girl will always need some kind of medical care there was no realistic hope of that weight ever being lifted. Until the end of the episode.....the owner of the company was so moved by the story that she paid the debt!!!!! I wish I could accurately put into words the look on the man's face as it dawned on him what she was offering. First you could see the struggle because he said he was never one to take a handout. Then you could see the complete and utter relief as the boss kept saying "let me do this for you, let me do this for you". Someone cared about what he was car

A New Perspective On Winter

It's a new year and I started a new devotional. Well, actually, it's an old devotional by Chuck Swindoll called Seasons of Life. I discovered him back in the 90's when I was in college. Back then I read a lot by him. Over the years I kind of just real reason why and that's exactly why I'm writing today. The topic of the devotion I read this morning was finishing well or finishing what you start. I was challenged to think of something I had stopped doing. It was an easy choice. I had stopped writing. No real reason why. I can't help but think that it has something to do with the "season" that the book starts with...Winter. Friends, I really, really, really don't like Winter!!!!!!! Never really have. Cold, gloomy, dark, tired, and generally brings out the sad in me. Not things that I enjoy. But in the book Mr. Swindoll calls it "a season of reverence". Huh?! The dictionary defines reverence as, "a deep respect for someone