Undercover Boss and The Lifting of Burdens

The last few Friday's I've been watching a show called Undercover Boss. I have seen the show before but not for awhile and I was struck by something 2 weeks in a row....
The first week there was an employee of the "undercover boss" that had a daughter that was born something like 15 weeks early and 2 years later the medical bills were closing in on 2 million dollars. Because the little girl will always need some kind of medical care there was no realistic hope of that weight ever being lifted.

Until the end of the episode.....the owner of the company was so moved by the story that she paid the debt!!!!! I wish I could accurately put into words the look on the man's face as it dawned on him what she was offering. First you could see the struggle because he said he was never one to take a handout. Then you could see the complete and utter relief as the boss kept saying "let me do this for you, let me do this for you". Someone cared about what he was carrying everyday.

The second week was much the same. I don't specifically remember all the stories but the end of the episode was the same. The boss was lifting burdens. These people were being set free from what was holding them back from dreams they had. Some were living in shame and some thought they were stuck where they were forever.  In most of these cases they were financial burdens, but some were people who just needed someone to come along side of them and show them a better way to go.

Stuff like that always makes me think of Jesus. This time it made me specifically think of how He was with the woman at the well....she was carrying some big burdens and instead of judgement, like she had gotten from everyone else, He showed her grace and mercy. This woman had come to the well at a time when she knew few others would be there. Why? Because she was carrying the load of her bad choices, specifically with men, and was living in shame because of them. Little did she know that the one person who could set her free from the burden of her sin would be there waiting. I can't help but wonder if her face was similar to man's face on Undercover Boss as Jesus confronted her with her sin. He didn't judge her, but told her she was forgiven. Did it slowly dawn on her that she didn't have to carry that weight anymore? Did she struggle with the "handout"? Did she dissolve into a puddle of tears as the reality sank in?

This woman at the well is all of us. We make really bad choices and whether we admit it or not it changes something in us. Our soul gets just a bit heavier with every bad choice. Then we tend to get mad, generally at God, at the consequences of our choices. What will it take to stop and look into the face of Jesus and accept the mercy and grace? Just like He was waiting for her, He is waiting for us to realize we are no better or worse than this woman. We are the same and He is waiting to lift our load and be free! All we need to do is ask.......


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