The Falling of the "Plates" on the Bathroom Floor

It was Sunday afternoon and I found myself sitting on the bathroom floor having myself a good cry. There was a day when I would have felt guilty about that. I'm the kind of girl who used to think that I had to carry the world on my shoulders. I had to, in the world's eyes, keep it all together. It had been a week of people just needing a part of me. Seemed like everyday someone "needed" help with something and normally it isn't a problem, but this particular day I had come to the end of myself.  It's the little things that seem to chip away at you and slowly tire you out.

So, there I sat. I found myself remembering the verse in Psalms "Be still and know that I am God!" and next came remembering that one of the names of Jesus is Wonderful Counselor. That struck me that day because I needed to call out to Him and tell Him I was done struggling to keep all the plates spinning. I needed to let go, but letting go of control is not my strong point!! To anyone who would have walked in the bathroom that day it may have looked like I should have been committed.....a pile of tears on the floor, talking to myself (to Jesus)!!!! But, I'm finally to the point in my life that I can proudly say IT"S OK!!!!! It's what I needed that day and He net me there.

Nothing changed dramatically in that moment but over the next few days He sent a friend who spoke words that I needed to remember and He started healing some of the pieces of the plates that had fallen because I couldn't hold them up anymore. That's what I love about Jesus....I seem to love asking why things have to be the way they are and in that moment of falling plates I starting thinking that maybe sometimes they have to fall into a million pieces because we were never meant to be spinning them in the first place!! So they fall and we ask why and then He steps in and puts the pieces back together in the way He had originally intended. He is the master of repair!!! If only I could stay out of the way.

To all of my friends who may need "a bathroom break" :) much like mine....I'm here today to tell you IT'S OK!!! Be still!!! Talk to the Counselor. Then sit back and watch what He can do if only we will get out of the way!!! Be blessed!


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