The Journey Continues Into Doubt

As I write I'm on a mini vacation in Florida for my birthday. I will be 43 in just a few days and I still want to be doing better in this life of mine. So I continue to force myself to face the dusty shelves and more importantly dust them off.

Tomorrow we are headed to the ocean and for those of you who know me know that it is my happiest place on this earth!!! I love everything about it...the sound of the waves, the smell of the air, the sand in my toes, and the way the water meets the sky...that's my favorite part...I can see God's love for me in that place, where the water meets the sky, in that place there is no end. God's love for me has no end. And yet, over and over and over again, I find myself getting tossed around like the waves of the ocean in the circumstances of this life and I doubt. Even after all of God's faithfulness, I doubt.

Doubt happens for me not because I don't have enough faith. I believe God can do anything...the Bible says, more than we could ever ask or imagine. It happens because my need for control and my pride take over daily. I actually think that I know what's best for me even though He made me. Oh such pride!!! How do I fight this doubt that rises up in me at every new circumstance that I may not have any control over???........

The answer that I am finding time and time and time again is SURRENDER. Stink'in surrender. Surrender is defined as "to agree to stop fighting, hiding, or give the control to someone else". The last thing that I want to do when the storm is raging and the waves feel like they are overtaking me is to surrender. But- have you ever tried to fight water? Doesn't work. The waves still come, the circumstances may not change, but in surrendering He picks me out of my struggling for control and sets me on the beach to watch Him do what He does best...bring himself glory. And my doubt....what doubt!! I'm getting to watch the master at work in the storm.

Surrender is a moment by moment thing that goes on for a lifetime. I need to make a focused effort to keep my eyes on that spot where the ocean meets the sky. The spot that God's love for me and faithfulness to me never end. Focusing too much on the waves will bring doubt because I will be tempted to control and worry.

"So there is a special rest still waiting for the people of God. For all who have entered into God's rest have rested from their labors, just as God did after creating the world. So let us do our best to enter that rest." Hebrews 4:9-11

"Then Jesus said, Come to me all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

"Be still! and know that I am God." Psalms 46:10

Join me in learning to stop digging in my heals at every turn and instead, let's sit down in surrender to the One who knows best and wiggle our toes in the sand. "Jesus loves me, this I know...for the Bible tells me so!!!"


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