
It's been a while since my last post. If I'm truly honest it's because I have been working through a season of disillusionment. Big word that translates in my simple mind to questioning everything that has come my way. I learned a long time ago that this life is hard and I also learned not so long ago to stop asking why things have to be so hard. I truly believe that God is always at work even when we can't wrap our human minds around our circumstance. I also believe that if I spend too much time focusing on the circumstance instead of on Him I fall into disillusionment really quickly. I need to read my Bible when I don't necessarily feel like it so I can refocus on things like....

Psalms 94:19-"When doubts fill my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer!" & I Corinthians 13:12 "Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely!!!"

I also need those ladies in my life that can shift my perspective back to where it needs to be. They let me talk out my circumstances because we all need that, but then they don't let me dwell on them. They point me back to the Word. They speak truth into my life.

This past month I went through one of those circumstances that ultimately makes it really hard to trust people. One of those times that words were spoken that can never be taken back and they stick in your mind even though you try and try to not dwell on them. One of those situations when you really hope you never have to run into that person ever again because of what else they may have to say about you that will stick in your mind and you will get to play it over and over in your head like a video you can't turn off. I got stuck for quite awhile after this situation only focusing on what this person had to say about me until I was asked to give a little talk to my small group that meets on Wednesday nights about who we are in Christ and the word that I was given to talk about was 'significance'.

Significance- "Sufficiently great or important, to be worthy of attention...to have meaning or lasting effect"
Synonyms for Significant- Noteworthy, Momentous, Meaningful, Important

This person in my life didn't think much of me and if I'm honest I probably gave her reason. In the end I have the choice now not to dwell on her words but on God's words.....

2 Corinthians 5:17 says I am a New Creation
Romans 8:1 says I am a Forgiven
Colossians 3:12 says I am Chosen

Jesus whispers to me.....I am Enough!!!!

My friends, you too are more than enough!!! We will all go through things in this life that will make us question ourselves and those around us, but we need to go back to the Truth....

"I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ!!!" Philippians 1:6


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