Speaking truth: You are significant

I am joining my friend Meagen Chellin of  "The Girl With The Naturally Curly Hair" in writing about speaking the truth into each others lives as we all just try and find our way. It's so easy to focus on the negative in our lives. So easy to get distracted from what the real truth is about ourselves. I have a number of people in my life that I have been blessed with who give me perspective when I focus on the wrong things. One of those people is Meagen. We have had the honor of speaking truth into each others lives and I am honored to be writing these posts with her!!! Meagen has already written about being worthy and being beautiful. If you haven't gotten to read them yet please check them out....lightonmyface.blogspot.com.

I have chosen to write about being significant. Not too long ago I was able to speak to a small group of women at church. We were discussing who God says we are and I was given the word significant. As I was preparing what I was going to say I figured I would look in the Bible. I quickly found that the word significant isn't in the Bible once! So, I moved on to Websters Dictionary to the definition of significant...."Sufficiently great or important; to be worthy of attention, to have great meaning or lasting effect!" It also listed the synonyms....Important, Powerful, Noteworthy, Momentous, & Worthy to be considered. With all the words that I choose to describe myself these were not on the list and I immediately started picturing Jesus saying all these words about me!! I had to start saying them over and over in my head so I could begin to believe it! We are so much more than what we say to ourselves and what others have said about us in the past.

We are not defined by our past, but by where we are headed. I have spent far too long wasting time dwelling on what I have done wrong or could have done better or have flat out failed at. Jesus tells me I am more....
Psalms 139 says I am fearfully and wonderfully made
Ephesians 1:7&8 says I am redeemed
Colossians 3:12 says I am chosen
And the list goes on and on!!!
My friends, we are significant in every way to Jesus. He doesn't see us as the world does. He thinks we are important, noteworthy, and momentous. He thinks we are worthy of attention. The best part of all of that is that He won't stop thinking that about us ever...ever...ever!!!

"I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Philippians 1:6

One of my favorite authors of all time is Max Lucado. A long time ago he wrote a book called "The Applause of Heaven". The last few paragraphs of the book have stuck with me since I read it the first time almost 20 yrs ago.....
     "You'll be home soon, too. You may not have noticed it, but you are closer than to home than ever before. Each moment is a step taken. Each breath is a page turned. Each day is a mile marked, a mountain climbed. You are closer to home than you have ever been.
      Before you know it, your appointed arrival time will come; you'll descend the ramp and enter the City. You'll see faces that are waiting for you. You'll hear your name spoken by those who love you. And maybe, just maybe--in the back, behind the crowds--the One who would rather die than live without you will remove His pierced hands from His heavenly robe--and applaud."

You are loved. You are enough just as you are. You are significant!
Be blessed my friends!


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