Look Up & Keep Walking

There is a man in the town where I live that walks regularly in my neighborhood. I do not know this man, but I would describe him as "weathered and bent over by many years of living." His steps are slow and careful. He seems to walk with purpose even though he doesn't seem to have a destination. He seems to always be walking, sun, rain, cold, and snow....He just keeps walking. The biggest thing that I have noticed is that he walks with his head down and rarely looks up---

I have recently found myself in a season of weariness. Not so much tired, but weary. I looked up the difference between being tired and being weary and this is what I discovered....tired is something physical, having to do with the body. Being weary is emotional, having to do with mind. There are mini-seasons when my mind goes on overload and I begin to focus on things negatively, I begin to hear things negatively, and it's all down hill from there. I wanted to stop walking....I didn't, but I sure walked with my head down.

I started getting really hard on myself and would say things like, "what is your problem??? you have no reason to be feeling this way!!!" Yes, it was a long string of time where people seemed to always be needing something from me both at work and at home and it just wore me down. But I was focusing too much on the mountain instead of where I should have been....which brought me to this verse that I had read a hundred times but this time I got a different picture....

"I look up to the mountains--does my help come from there? No, my help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!" Psalms 121:1-2

I wasn't really looking to the Lord for help, I was concentrating on the mountain of things that were being requested of me. I want to do better in the midst of stress. I want to look higher than the mountain to where my help truly comes from. Jesus. And, I want to keep walking like the man in my neighborhood....only with my head up! Not just when it is sunny and warm, but bitter cold and windy too.

"The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand"......

"Yet I have never seen the godly abandoned".....

"The righteous person faces many troubles,
but the Lord comes to the rescue--
Psalms 37:23 & 34:19

If you find yourself weary today please give yourself some grace. He is right beside you giving you the gentle nudges you need to keep walking with your head up to look past the mountain.


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