Marriage..the highs, the lows, & the in bet-weens!!!

It's not my anniversary. It's not a special occasion. It's just an ordinary day. So why am I writing about marriage? My husband has been gone on a trip for work for only two days and I'm realizing how much he does for me on a daily basis and how much I take him for granted. This man of mine had no idea what he was getting into when he married me 18+ years ago. We really didn't do so well the first 3 years and we both take responsibility for it. We ended the whole marriage and then God stepped in....I'll maybe write more about that someday....for now I can tell you this--I've learned that marriage is much less about me and more about what I can do for my sweet husband. I used to fight him every chance I got and yes, I still sometimes do because old habits die hard, but for the most part I try to back him up in all he does. Not gonna lie, sometimes it's really hard, but that's when I have to go back to what Jesus says...
     "you must cloth yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. Make allowance for each other's faults and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."   Colossians 3:12-13

I have found that marriage is largely about selfishness and selflessness. I have also found that "love" as the world sees it is not a feeling, it's an action. I used to get stuck at the beginning of our marriage on the "warm fuzzies" and the lack of them as time went on. Now I can see that was wasted energy. I have found that the more I work to show my husband love the deeper the love grows and it's so much more than a feeling. It's knowing...that I know...that I know that I'm the only one for him and he's the only one for me. I love knowing that!!!

All of this to's a lot of work! But, just like my dad used to say "the best things in life are the ones you have to work the hardest for"!!! It's also why marriage is for life. It takes years and years of doing life together during the highs, lows, and especially the int-weens. The ordinary days of work, dishes, laundry, and raising these boys. That's how we grow. And we need to keep growing--together and not apart. Why? Because someday, Lord willing, when we're both wrinkly, grey, and really old I want to sit in rocking chairs on a porch and remember everything in this life that we did together. The highs, the lows, and the in bet-weens. I want to know that I worked really hard for one of the best things in life and I want to call it fan-smash-tic!!!


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