40 & Just Getting Started

Well, here I am after much encouragement from friends and a memory stuck in my head from my pastor..."you should have a blog"!! It's taken me a while because through the years I've grown accustom to journaling in notebooks where no one sees it and I don't have to be accountable for what I'm thinking and feeling. Plus, why would anyone care to hear what I have to say...really??? But then I turned 40 this year and although I know it's just a number it has changed much about how I think about a lot of things. In my 20's I thought I knew everything, in my 30's I had kids and realized just how much I really don't know, and now I'm on to my 40's and I'm hoping to start bringing a balance of the two. Maybe the lessons I've learned in my life might actually be an encouragement to someone else. This life was never meant to be done alone. So much of my life has been discouraged by my own negative and just plain bad thinking. Writing things out is another way for those thoughts to lose their grip and stop taking me where I don't need to be.
And so I sit here with my cup of Chocolate Chai, which just happens to be one of my simple pleasures, being nervous and excited about this new adventure.
What's the number one thing that I want people to know about me....I love Jesus with my whole heart, mind, and strength. I'm not looking to shove it down anyone's throat, I just want people to know it about me. My life has been as much blessed as it has been hard and Jesus has been the ONE constant thing that has held me together through it all even when I have tried to walk away and do it on my own. I know that I know that I know that He will never let me down. Right behind that I want people to know how much I love and respect my sweet husband who is on this journey of life with me and the two boys that challenge me in good and not-so-good ways every day. I'm sure there will be more on all three of them to come. For now, I will leave it at that...until next time......


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